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Whole Child Committee
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Intent (the “why”):
The intent of the Whole Child Committee is to be:
  • Guided by the five tenets of ASCD’s Whole Child Approach to Education, provide framework and guidance for ways in which GGS can best support its students.
    • Healthy
    • Safe
    • Engaged
    • Supported
    • Challenged
Scope (the “what”):
  • Annually evaluate the District’s School Wellness Plan.
  • Utilize the District’s Strategic Plan & Goals as a guide to determine areas of focus/need.
  • Use such tools as surveys, evaluate how well the District is serving its students.
  • Assist in reviewing, evaluating, and recommending supplemental curriculum materials/programs (ex: maturation classes, mental health wellness programs, nutritional programs).
Approach (the “how”):
  • Meet at least four times per year.
  • Members will be appointed by the Chairperson of the GGS Board and will have no school decision-making or spending authority.
  • The WCC agenda will be provided to the District Clerk no less than four business days prior to a scheduled meeting so that it can be publicly posted. The District Clerk will post approved minutes on the school webpage.
  • Ongoing need, scope, and members of the advisory committee will be reviewed annually by the GGS Board.
Committee Members (the “who”):
  • One GGS Board Trustee
  • Superintendent
  • School Counselor
  • Student Support Specialist
  • Classroom Teacher
  • Administrative Secretary
  • Two parents/guardians

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Current Members
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  • Mary Thurber, Trustee

  • Kelly Henderson, Superintendent

  • Erica Clark, Administrator

  • Spencer Kirkemo, Teacher

  • Mariel Warren, Teacher

  • Lilly Thorstad, Teacher

  • Nickole Barnes, Teacher

  • Melissa Melton, Parent

  • Carrie Ash, Parent